Tuesday, January 3, 2012

You Are What You Eat.

 Just for a minute, let's take a step back and imagine what life as a beef cow must be like...

Imagine being born on a beautiful farm with rolling pastures. Life is decent; you have your mom's milk and grass or hay to eat. The worst thing that has happened is that your testicles are banded so that they wither and fall off due to lack of blood flow. In general you spend the first year of your life eating grass, regurgitating it and chewing it all again. You have space to move, pasture to graze, and shade when you need it. You have grown big and tall, but not yet bulky. Then you turn one.

You are then shipped off to a feed lot where cows are "finished" prior to butchering for human consumption. The feed lot is crowded with other steers, there is little room to move, and you're standing in a foot of mud and poop. There is no shade from the sun or cover from the snow and rain. The bright spot in your day is that you are given hay and grain. Good, yummy corn. It tastes sweet like candy and it's easy to eat lots of it. Hay takes time to chew.

Before long, you don't feel so good. Your stomach burns and churns. There is no place to lay down because of the muck, so you are forced to stand even though you feel bad. You are not sure why your stomach hurts like never before, so you continue to feed hoping that something will make you feel better. Nothing really does.

Over the next 6 months you are moved to different lots to the final one where only grain is given. The stomach pain or acidosis is at its peak. Your stomach has ulcers and your entire immune system is struggling to keep you upright. Antibiotics are given in the grain to keep you alive, not that you care anymore. You worry that if you lay down, you will be trampled by other steers. The elements you are exposed to are brutal; the hot sun, stinging rain, and unbearable cold. The conditions of your life are so terrible that death is a blessing. If you are lucky when it comes time to go to the packaging plant you will be dead before you are skinned....

If the saying "You are what you eat" is true, then there is little doubt why Americans are so sick. Cattle are supposed to be eating grass or hay. Their systems make them the perfect lawn mowers. When a cow is given too much grain to "fatten" them up, it creates major stomach issues called acidosis. Acidosis can be fatal if left untreated so their feed is laced with antibiotics. Not only is this creating antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria such as Staph, but it also introduces the problems of E-Coli. When a cow is grass fed only the instances of E-Coli being found in their feces is low. A corn fed steer however is an E-Coli petri dish due to their malfunctioning stomach.

Grass fed beef is more flavorful and much healthier too. Some complain that the texture is tougher in comparison to grain fed cattle; however in most taste tests grass fed beef win hands down. The factory farming industry is all about speed, the amount of time from birth to slaughter with the cheapest cost. Those in favor of continuing the feed lot practice contend that beef would cost too much if only grass fed was available. Maybe so, but most doctors feel that we eat too much meat and isn't the karmic price too high?

What they want you to think....

The Truth