Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why go Gluten Free?

My oldest was having major stomach issues and it was suggested that we do a DNA test to see if she is sensitive to gluten. The answer for her was a big YES on both gene alleles, which means that both her parents have at least one positive gene for gluten sensitivity. The more I looked into gluten, the more I realized that quite a few of my problems could be a sensitivity to gluten. Gluten can cause many issues, including:
  • Depression
  • Poor nutrient absorption
  • Weight Gain
  • Bloating
  • Hair Loss
  • Joint and Muscle Aches and Pain
  • Acne
  • Yeast Overgrowth
When I look at the list I think why the hell would I eat Gluten??? Nobody wants those health issues and these are only a small listing of symptoms. When I stop eating gluten, I am fine for a couple of days, but then the craving start kicking in and the battle is on.

If eating gluten caused an instant pain reaction it would be easier to quit, my symptoms don't appear an hour after eating or even the next day.  My symptoms are slow and they creep up on me. One day I look in the mirror and I know that the recent body and energy changes were not for the best.

It has been said that the hardest addiction to break is cigarette smoking... well I have been smoke free for 6 years. It has been much easier to quit smoking than to completely change my eating habits. A smoker can avoid smokers, an alcoholic can avoid places where people are drinking, but a food addict can't avoid eating. So for the person with food issues they have to find balance. This is not an easy thing to do.

Time to be honest...

I've always had a weight issue and have always blamed it on my metabolism, my spinal fusion, and fibromyalsia. While these issues do play a part, they are more of an excuse, my real issue is food. The amount and type of food I eat. I eat not only because I love food but there is also an emotional connection.

Food makes me feel better for the short term. When I am stressed a cookie does wonders. When I am emotionally upset eating enough food to stuff myself and swell my stomach makes me feel better. Even if it makes me physically uncomfortable, for some reason it makes me feel better emotionally. It's the "stuffing down" of emotions. It is not logical, but its real.

It's time to admit that I have a food addiction to sugar and carbs... and make a change.