Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dandelions - more than a weed

Before you spray weed killer or dig out those Dandelions, see if you can put them to use. It is so much more than an annoying weed. Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are rich in Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Foliate, Iron, & potassium.

Foraging for these beautiful plants is a great activity for kids too. It’s a great way to teach them about edible and nutritious plants found wild in nature. Plus if the kids are involved in finding, picking, & washing; they just might eat it!

All parts of the plant can be used:

Leaves:  Great tangy addition to your salad. It has more nutrients than spinach! It is used as a blood purifier, kidney tonic, and to stimulate digestion. It helps with gout, arthritis, and rheumatism.

Stems:  The white sap that comes out of the broken stem can be applied directly to warts to help get rid of them.

Flowers:   Can be made into wine or beer. They are also great treats for bearded dragons!

Roots:   Roots can be used for weight loss as it helps aid in the digestion of fatty meals. A tonic can be made from the roots that help with liver, jaundice, & gallbladder problems.  It is rich in organic iron and helps with anemia.

Tea:   Dandelion tea is great to use as a mild diuretic, it helps with excess fluid retention.  Brew tea 2 to 3 times daily for a few days. You can purchase Dandelion tea from your local health store or the internet.

**As with all herbal remedies, check with your doctor first.**

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Regrow Your Celery

Celery growth after 3 weeks

Celery growth after 3 weeks

There is a neat trick that you can do with celery, you can Regrow it. This is a great project for kids too. It can teach them just how amazing nature is; it perseveres and never gives up.

Here are the easy steps.

1. Buy a whole celery stalk, with the root bottom still intact. Cut the bottom off leaving 2 inches of stalk attached.

2. Place the bottom in a bowl of water. Don't completely cover the stalk.

3. Place in a sunny spot and wait approx a week. You will begin to see the middle of the stalk sprout.

4. When your stalk is well established, you can either plant it in a pot indoors or you can start it outside once the danger of frost has passed.

You can keep your own supply of celery growing all year.