Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pasture raised meat vs Factory raised meat

We recently moved to Colorado from Maryland leaving behind a 5 acre mini farm where we raised our own beef and pork. We ate our own meat for 8 years and while I was grateful for the ability, I didn't fully appreciate what we had.

Our animals were pasture raised without the use of antibiotics and were fed a natural diet. Our cows were pasture raised without gorging them on corn. Our pigs were allowed to root in the ground and were fed a steady diet of fruits and vegetables. To say our meat was delicious is an understatement. Although the beef was a little tough in comparison to store bought meat, the flavor was much richer and didn’t need drastic seasoning. Our pork was incredible and had little fat. Even frying the bacon didn’t create grease. Traditionally raised pork typically is high in fat and not recommended for a healthy lifestyle.

We couldn’t take a freezer full of meat across the country so before we moved to Colorado we sold off the meat that remained. We arrived in Colorado and I was shocked at the price of grass fed, organic meat. I regrettably had to make the decision to buy factory farmed meat. I knew the taste would be a little different, but I was shocked at the differences I discovered.

·    The smell was different. While preparing food for my family I found myself almost gagging at the decay smell the came off the meat.

·  The texture of the burger was mushy and fatty even when I bought ground chuck.

·  The amount of meat that remained after cooking was MUCH less. I was use to cooking a piece of meat and in the end losing only 20% to cooking (water, fat). With factory farmed meat I was losing almost half! I found I was buying larger cuts of meat, spending more, just to counteract the amount lost in the cooking process.

·  The biggest thing I noticed is the effects on the family’s digestion.  Since eating factory raised meat we have all had stomach aches, bouts of diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, and even nausea.  The amount of gas that my family is producing right now is unbelievable and quite disgusting.

There are articles and studies that claim no real benefits in eating pasture raised meat. I for one can tell you that they are full of it…literally. Unless you have had the privilege of eating grass-fed meat for a significant time, you wouldn’t be able to feel the difference that quality food makes. All the additives in factory raised meat: hormones, antibiotics, and poor quality feed take a toll on those eating it.

We are now in the market for pasture raised beef and pork in Colorado. Though it will be more expensive and put a dent in our budget, it will more than pay for itself with the health benefits.  When you have to stock up on tums, Pepto Bismal, and Mylanta just to digest your food, there is a problem. I for one will be glad when the air after dinner is fresher as well.


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